Pastor Notes

Help for UKRAINE
Join us in offering prayers, support for Ukrainians. The violence in Ukraine continues. Those in Ukraine and those fleeing to neighboring countries face great need. Our Office of International Mission is working with partner churches, missionaries and others in Europe to help care for those fleeing Ukraine. Read the Lutheran Reporter article about HELP FOR […]

Trinity Tidbits Newsletter
NEWSLETTERS ARE NOT MAILED! Find your newsletter ON THE WEBSITE, have it EMAILED, PICK ONE UP when you come to church or COME BY THE CHURCH OFFICE. Contact the church office if you have changes in phone numbers, home or email addresses, marital status, or have an addition to your family.

Devotional Aids and Prayer Suggestions
Find the READINGS for the Sunday, THEMES for the day, PRAYERS, and an APPLICATION for the texts in Trinity Lutheran Church at Prayer. Click on ‘Ministry Areas’ in the menu bar and then ‘Trinity Lutheran Church at Prayer.’

Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty
Visit the Facebook page of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty to learn how you may become involved in Christian concerns in the market place of society through prayer and study.

Blood Drive – Thanks for March 16
Warm thanks to all who gave blood and those who tried to give. These efforts help save lives.

MidWeek Lent Services Wednesdays 11:00 a.m.
March 5– Our Savior – Covers Sin March 12– Our Savior – Conquers Evil March 19– Our Savior- Our New Beginning March 26– Our Savior- Our Substitute April 2– Our Savior- The Ladder April 9– Our Savior- The Good Enjoy a light lunch following each service at 12:15 p.m.

If you are not receiving the newsletter
If you are not receiving the TLC Newsletter in your email, click here.

Sealy Christian Pantry
The Sealy Christian Pantry was founded in 1987 with a Mission Statement — “to demonstrate Christian love by providing food to people in need.” The Pantry is still in operation today and is solely run by volunteers and operated from donations. Trinity Lutheran Church is a proud supporter of the Pantry, both by furnishing volunteers […]

Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets every Wednesday from 10-11 am beginning September 4th. Please meet in the glass room by the church office. Studies will begin with the First Epistle of St. John.
A Little About Us

Our mission statement is: Building His Body by Reflecting the Son. We encourage each other through three things: WORD, WORSHIP, and WITNESS. Each of these is important to the mission of Trinity. We are a … [Read More...]