Please make plans for Christmas Caroling on Wednesday, December 18th! We will meet at 4:30 pm in the gym to get a list of places to go and our song books.

Christmas Eve Worship – Tuesday, Dec. 24


“Undertaking the Joy” Zephaniah 3:14-20

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Zephaniah 3:14-20

“Song of Elizabeth” Luke 1:39-45

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Luke 1:39-45

“Youth Christmas Worship”

Rev. Kenneth Bersche

“Song of Zechariah” Luke 1:67-80

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Luke 1:67-80

“The Only Promise Keeper” Jeremiah 33:14-16

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Jeremiah 33:14-16

“Taking Thanksgiving Out of November” Deuteronomy 8:10

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Deuteronomy 8:10

For Your Advent Devotions

The First Candle of Advent has been called the Candle of Prophecy. The Second Candle of Advent has been called the Candle of Bethlehem. The Third Candle of Advent has been called the Candle of the Shepherds. The Fourth Candle of Advent has been called the Candle of the Angels.

“And They Lived Happily Ever After!” Revelations 1:4b-9

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Revelations 1:4b-9