“Faith and Belief in our Risen Savior” John 20:19-31

Rev. Kenneth Bersche John 20:19-31

“He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed Alleluia” Matthew 28:1-10

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Matthew 28:1-10

“Crucifixion of Our Lord” Matthew 27:32-50

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Matthew 27:32-50

“Palm Sunday” John 12

Rev. Kenneth Bersche John 12

“Good trees bearing good fruit/Bad trees bearing bad fruit” Matthew 27:45-66

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Matthew 27:45-66

“Jesus raises Lazarus” John 11:1-44

Rev. Kenneth Bersche John 11:1-44

Lutheran Hour Ministries Online Resources

During this critical period, Lutheran Hour Ministries has free resources available online for you! The Lutheran Hour delivers sermons every Sunday morning that are relevant and share truth. The sermon is available to listen to online and as a podcast. LHM Learn is an online learning platform that has free courses on many different topics. […]

“Tree of the Lord’s Planting” Ezekiel 17:11-24

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Ezekiel 17:11-24

“Living in Fear OR Living in Jesus” John 9:1-41

Rev. Kenneth Bersche John 9:1-41

“Living Among the Bible’s Trees: Jesse’s Tree” Isaiah 6:1-13

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Isaiah 6:1-13