“Standing at the Crossroads” Mark 1:12-13

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Mark 1:12-13

“Ridiculous, Unrealistic, Delusional Expectations” Mark 9:2-9

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Mark 9:2-9  

“No Dog and Pony Show” Mark 1:29-39

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Mark 1:29-39

Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty

  Visit the Facebook page of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty to learn how you may become involved in Christian concerns in the market place of society through prayer and study.

“Authority Claims Us” Mark 1:21-28

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Mark 1:21-28    

“Favor for the Despised” Jonah 3:1-5

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Jonah 3:1-5  

“God Shatters the Silence” 1 Samuel 3:1-10

Rev. Kenneth Bersche 1 Samuel 3:1-10

“Chaos Broken” Genesis 1:1-2

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Genesis 1:1-2

“Prophecy Foretold” Luke 2:22-40

Rev. Harold Fleischauer – Guest Speaker – Luke 2:22-40

“Why Do We Lower God’s Standards for Blessing” 2 Samuel 7:1-11,16

Rev. Kenneth Bersche 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16