“Living in Light/Not Dwelling in Darkness” Matthew 4:12-17

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Matthew 4:12-17

“Getting Out of Bed” John 1:29

Rev. Kenneth Bersche John 1:29

“We Are” Matthew 3:3-17

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Matthew 3:3-17

“The Blessed” Ephesians 1:3-4

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Ephesians 1:3-4

“Called Out of Egypt” Psalm 114

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Psalm 114

“By Association” Matthew 1:18-25

Rev. Kenneth Bersche – Matthew 1:18-25  

“An Unusual Throne” Luke 23:33

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Luke 23:33

“Say among the nations, “The Lord reigns”” Psalm 96:10

Rev. Gilbert Franke – Guest Speaker Psalm 96:10

“Identity Crisis Solved” Exodus 3:1-15

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Exodus 3:1-15

“The Best Laundry Soap” Revelation 7:2-17

Rev. Kenneth Bersche Revelation 7:2-17