Trinity Lutheran Church at Prayer

Trinity Lutheran Church at Prayer is designed to serve as a guide for daily prayer for the the people of Trinity (and anyone else who happens to stumble upon this page). Each week there will be a new file with the Readings for the Week,  a theme prayer, synopsis of the lesson themes, a paragraph that applies the theme to our daily lives, questions for thought,  etc.  There will also be some suggested prayer concerns.

The Week preceding

Some Concerns for your Prayers

For places devastated by tornado and storms and flooding, especially in the path and destruction of Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean, for the people grieving over loss of lives and property, that they may be comforted and that first responders may be safe and neighbors and caring individuals may respond with compassion and provision to demonstrate the love of Christ; in Your grace and mercy, O Lord, hear our prayers. Amen.

For the voices of social protest on our university campuses, that they may express themselves without destructive violence and that they may focus on helpful solutions, respecting the needs and feelings of others without prejudice and racial bias; Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers. Amen.

For peace in Israel and Gaza, healing of heart and mind and body for those grieving, suffering and wounded; for stability among nations to avoid global war and promote world peace.  Let us pray to the Lord.  Lord, have mercy.

For the leaders involved on both sides of all conflicts especially between Russia and Ukraine and between Israel and Hamas:  Lord of the nations and ruler of all the earth, bring common sense and compassion to bear in the hearts and minds of those making decisions with regard to these wars, that peaceful resolutions may be sought and achieved, and especially that nuclear confrontation may be avoided.  Bring peace and healing to those lands and comfort to those who grieve.  Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.  Amen.

For peace in Ukraine:  God of comfort and of peace, we pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia.  Where there is oppression, establish freedom; where there is repression, promote truth.  Let peace be restored to those lands that citizens may celebrate your compassion and deliverance and that your grace in Christ may be proclaimed to all.  Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.  Amen.

For civic leaders and the citizens whom they serve, that the Lord would extend peace to this sin-sick world, and that violence, injustice and wrongdoing would be undone as the will of God is carried out upon the earth, let us pray to the Lord: Lord, have mercy. Amen.